The names and contact details of lawyers practicing in Japan appearing below has been compiled by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) from publicly-available information. DFAT does not endorse any of the lawyers appearing in this list, provides no guarantees as to its currency and does not accept any liability if you choose to engage one of these lawyers to provide legal services.
Lawyers by Location
Other Legal Assistance
Houterasu (Japan Legal Support Center)
Tel: 0570-078-377
- Information on the Japanese legal system, counselling services and local bar associations
- Civil legal aid
- Crime victims support
- Arrangements for court-appointed defense counsel (Criminal Cases)
- Interpreter provided
Legal Counselling for Foreigners
Tel: 03-6435-3040 OR 0570-055-289
Counselling available on:
- Visa status
- Nationality
- International marriage and divorce
- Other general matters (such as civil, labour and criminal cases)
Foreign Residents' Advisory Center
Tokyo Metropolitan Government
2-8-1 Nishi-shinjuku
Tokyo 163-8001
Tel: 03-5320-7744
- English advisory service operated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government
- Counselling services and general information on living in Japan
- Free of charge
- Confidential
Japan Federation of Bar Associations
1-1-3 Kasumigaseki
Tokyo 100-0013
Tel: 03-3580-9741
Fax: 03-3580-9840
- Information on Japanese judiciary system
- Information on duty lawyer system
- Legal counselling for foreigners
Human Rights Counselling Centre for Foreigners
Tokyo Legal Affairs Bureau
1-1-15 Kudan-minami
Tokyo 102-8225
Tel: 03-5213-1372
- Consultation and advice on legal problems
- Free of charge
National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan
(Available from 3 December 2018)
Tel: 03-5449-0906
Consultation hotline for short-term visitors on consumer issues such as:
- Faulty goods purchased online
- Exorbitant charges at restaurants and bars
- Extortionate charges for repairs of hired cars
- False advertising (eg. Accommodation)
International Social Service
Tel: 03-3760-3471
- Inter-country adoption
- Assistance for refugees/asylum seekers
- Assistance for family reunification
- Counselling for international couples
- Assistance for registration of birth