Australian Embassy

Doing business with Australia

The Commercial Section

The Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) is the Australian Government’s leading trade and investment agency. In Japan, Austrade operates as the Commercial Section of the Australian Embassy in Tokyo and the Australian Consulate - General in Osaka.

The commercial section is expert in connecting Australian businesses to Japan and Japan to Australian businesses. It has a proud history of helping Australian businesses pursue their global ambitions and the power to open doors, unlock opportunities and help Australian businesses go further, faster.

The commercial section also helps attract game-changing investment from Japan to Australia, to support new industries, enhance existing ones and bolster their world-class research and development – strengthening global supply chains, creating local jobs, and boosting the local economy, in the process.

From trade and investment processes to protocols and regulation, the commercial section assists Australian businesses, big or small, navigate complex overseas markets and make it easier for them to go global. Advice, contacts and support at every step reduces the commercial risk of exporting to overseas markets.

Find out more about Austrade services visit here


Useful sites

  • provides a gateway to information and services about Australia for foreign business people.
  • BICON houses the Australian Government's Biosecurity import conditions database for more than 20,000 plants, animals, minerals and biological products. It will help you to determine what import conditions exist and if an import permit is required. Please refer to the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources' Importing to Australia page for more information about BICON.
  • ANZCCJ is an independent, non-profit organisation that has been dedicated to the development of commerce between Australia, New Zealand and Japan since 1972.